My Weight Loss Journey...

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Best week ever!

What I thought would be a nightmare-ish week actually ended pretty week.  Last Monday, I did work until 1AM, serving french toast, eggs, bacon, saussage, etc - but it was to the point I didn't even want to look at that type of food ever again.  So I didn't have a single stitch.  The birthday lunch on Wednesday, I went to hell with myself with canolis.  We ended up not going to the party, but did make up with it by going out for a big Italian dinner.  But nonetheless, I lost 3.5 from my lowest, finally reaching the below 200 goal of 198.5.  I was very excited. 

I'm back!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Serenity NOW!

I don't know what the hell is going on.  I lost all motivation and it seems the worse I am, the worse I get.  I wish I could blame it on the holidays, but I'm not sure.  I just feel like social obligations keep getting in the way of staying on track.  I've gone from strong to stuffed with food.  And I hate the way I feel when I eat to that point.  And I wake up starving, which starts the whole cycle again.

This week I'm volunteering for an event at the university monday night until 1:00AM tuesday morning, wednesday I have a catered birthday lunch, saturday I have a Christmas cocktail party.  It never ends, and before you know it, the following week is Christmas and New Years.  If I keep it up the rate I'm going, I'll have gained 10 pounds back by the new year.  I already feel more bloated than normal, and I've only gained 2.5 lbs.

Last Saturday I was down to 202 - only three pounds away from below 200.  I've gotten through the wedding, and now I'm up to 205.5 (granted I got my period today).  I need motivation!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Spin me, spin me not.

I didn't make it to spinning class Thursday night.  I was still sore from my class Tuesday night, and I walked three miles on lunch and felt it in the back of my legs.  Didn't want to push it and injure myself.  Lord knows last year how good my broken leg was for my health.  I literally gained 20 lbs. that year - not good.

Today I had off from work to pick up my grandmother from the airport for my brother's wedding, and to spend some time with her.  My food for the day, so far:

-medium banana
-large cup of coffee with splendor and a couple tablespoons of pumpkin spice creamer
-half a sandwich on white bread with two small slices of ham, one piece of turkey and one piece of white American cheese
-two additional slices of white American cheese
-two thin slices of date and nut bread, one with a 1/2 tablespoon of cream cheese
-1/4 cup macaroni salad
-a taste of potato salad (didn't like it)
-small piece of breaded tilapia
-1/2 cup broccoli
-1 small potato with a sliver of butter

I'm guessing about 1900 calories.  Not great for it only being 5:30pm.  I don't know what happened today, I really had better intentions.  I was good for four days straight and lost all the weight I gained over Thanksgiving.  I just can't seem to break this 203.5, 31.5 weight loss..ughhhh..I just want to be under 200 dammit!  Another goal missed.

It's probably why most people give up at this point, because I think it's a natural thing to stop losing as fast at this point.  I really have to plow through.  I've been at it over three months, just gotta keep going.

Thanks for listening.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I fail at dieting during Thanksgiving weekend.

No big deal.  I gained 4.5 lbs in four days; on day three on being back on track I lost 3.5 of that gain.  I'm hoping to lose some additional weight within the next two days.  It will be hard to stay on track during the wedding on Sunday.

My food today:
-Weight Watchers whole wheat bread thins toasted with no sugar-added jam and a small amount of margarine
-Weight Watchers whole wheat bread thins with buffalo chicken lunch meat
-banana with banana yogurt
-red bell pepper slices and cucumber slices with small amount of ranch dip
-2 triscuit crackers with small amount onion dip
-1 pretzel
-spinach ravioli, bit of ziti noodles with broccoli/cauliflower mix with sprinkle of margarine and Parmesan cheese
-1 chocolate Italian ice

No exercise other than writing out Christmas cards.  Tomorrow the plan is to survive my first spinning class.

Until then..

Thursday, November 25, 2010

I'm sad.

So, today is Thanksgiving and I'm spending it at home with my husband, who is recovering from the stomach flu.  He's lost 10 lbs in four days, and we even took a trip to the ER last night for fluids.  He was pretty dehydrated.

So, instead of the dinner I planned with mine and his family I decided to set up the Christmas tree today.  Hopefully he will feel better by Saturday so we can make Thanksgiving dinner then since I already have the food.  But isn't that what changing your lifestyle is about - going with the flow?

The good news is after my Monday night binge with the girls at work, I got down to business.  Tuesday could have easily been a bust, spending most of my mid-day in urgent care with hubby, but I went back to work afterwards, got through my first step kickboxing class, did a few laps around the track (made it running 3/4 of the way around, sad but true), and came home and made a sensible dinner.  Yesterday, my colleagues and I went out for a birthday lunch, but I was good there, too.  I had steamed chicken and broccoli, brown rice, miso soup and a fortune cookie.  I also had plenty of water and green tea.  I only lost a half a pound this week so far, and with this weekend I may gain, but at least I know I stayed on track.  Especially during a time of stress, which is the most important thing of all.

Happy Thanksgiving to anyone reading.

Monday, November 22, 2010

They tried to make me go to rehab, but I said "no, no, NO!"

I'm so frustrated right now.  I went out tonight with a bunch of colleagues, and I had really good intentions.  Here's what I ate until 3:19pm:

  • 1/2 cup 2% milkfat cottage cheese
  • 1 T. craisins w/2 T. vanilla granola and 1 medium banana
  • 2 pieces sliced chicken breast on whole wheat sandwich thins w/mustard
  • 1 medium banana w/Dannon's light & fit berry yogurt
  • 2 20 oz. glasses of water
After exercising for 55 minutes on my lunch break running for two minutes, speed walking for 8 minutes, elliptical for 20 minutes and weight training for 25 minutes, I was going to allow myself a slice of pizza for dinner.  But after I attended to a small emergency in the middle of my workday, BAM!  This is what I ate from 3:19pm on:

  • 2 saltine crackers
  • 7 pieces of Dove mini dark chocolates
  • 2 pieces eggplant rollatini
  • spinach sauteed in garlic and oil
  • 2 garlic knots
  • 1 piece of Italian bread with sauce and cheese
  • 2 pieces Italian bread with 2 tsp. butter
  • 1 large piece of tiramisu
  • 4 dinner mints
What is wrong with me?  Altogether, it's around 3300 calories!

I'm convinced I am addicted to eating socially.  I can keep myself under control when it's me and my husband, but around 80% of the time when I'm with friends or family, and I'm eating at a restaurant, I go in with good intentions, but end up completely out of control.  Afterwards I'm left feeling uncomfortably full, out of control and regretful knowing that it's going to set me back several days of eating well pound wise.

I already gained a pound this weekend from eating poorly Saturday while I was in the city (from three meals of bad choices).  I really have to get back on track.

To motivate myself, I should really think of the good things, three of which happened today, ironically..  #1, someone else at work told me they noticed my weight loss, #2, I can now very comfortably fit into an XL sweatshirt (with room to spare) as opposed to a XXL, #3, I felt noticeably smaller to myself sitting in a movie theatre chair (I could place my arms within the constraints of my seat without resting my arms on the armrests.  These are all good things in my book.

So I vow, when I take my colleague to lunch tomorrow for her birthday I will stay within my calorie limits, when I go out drinking Wednesday night with friends and family, I will order french onion soup and/or two beers as long as I stay within my calorie limits, and Thursday I may not stay within the limits, but I will be reasonable.  Friday, Saturday, Sunday will be strict days until I get back on track.  From here on in, I will try to cheat only one day per week to keep my metabolism in check.

And if I survive my first step kickboxing class tomorrow, I will keep you updated.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

One small step for (wo)man..

Down 30.5 lbs as of this morning at 204.5!  I really pushed myself this week, with carefully monitoring food intake and additional exercise - I'm so glad it paid off!  I'm not sure I'll meet my secondary goal of below 200 by Thanksgiving, but it's a distinct possibility that may happen by December 5th, my brother's wedding. 

Weddings motivate me, probably because it's one of the few times I will be seen in a dress or any type of form fitting clothes.  For my own wedding in 2004 I lost the most weight that I had ever lost up until that point - 27.5 (all this time I thought it was 28.5) from 196 to 168.5.  Of course, with all the crap I've put into my body since then I gained an additional 40 pounds, which is disgusting at my 5'1" frame.  You've seen part of the chronicle with my sister's wedding and it just so happens hers and my brother's are eight weeks apart.

I like to reflect, which is the biggest reason I decided to blog, so here is part of what I wrote in my first blog just several months ago (not even):

"Things that I will be looking forward to include: bending over to tie my shoes without turning blue, eating in a restaurant without embarrassment, being able to breathe after meals and while laying down, liking my shadow when I walk at sundown, shopping for clothes, dressing up for work, showing off my tattoos, going to the beach without a multitude of layers to cover myself under different circumstances (i.e. sunbathing, swimming, the walk to the car..), looking in the mirror, and choosing nudity as a lifestyle if I so choose (insert: chuckle)."

I think at this point I can safely say I can tie my shoes without turning blue since I see and feel a noticable difference in my stomach.  I don't have problems breathing as long as I don't overeat - I think a full stomach really effects my breathing, which physiologically makes sense.  I'm still not happy about the whole shadow thing.  Dead on I look a little thinner, but I'm still thick sideways (why is that?).  Shopping for clothes is becoming fun and it will be funner when I don't have to go to a plus size store.  The beach thing - I have plenty of time to work on that.  And we are working on the mirror and nudity thing!

So this is all good stuff.  Wish me luck at my department's potluck tonight.  I will think of the 6 minute run I was able to do today (a sad, but true record for me) to decide if it's really worth shedding it off later.  :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I'm getting there..

My lowest weight so far is 208.  After a weekend away, I'm 209 - but it's only Tuesday.  With any luck I'll make minus 30 pounds by next week.  So I broke the plateau by completely indulging myself for a few days and then going back to the plan.  I think that really is the trick, so with the holidays and various other celebratory events, I plan on continuing that trend.  Funny thing is I always look forward to getting back on track.  I take that as a good thing.

Just got back from my three mile lunchtime walk.  Time to change back into work clothes.

I'll keep you posted..

Monday, November 1, 2010

Killing me softly..

After two weeks of staying below my calories and exercising with increasingly more effort - I saw the scale going UP 1.5lbs to 211 from 209.5.  Not only was I not losing weight, but gaining?  That was more than a plateau, but a seemingly uphill battle.

As the hostess and organizer of my office's potluck lunch on Friday, I broke down.  I had baked ziti.  I had eggplant parm.  I had MULTIPLE delicious desserts.  I had cheese and crackers.  After an embarrassing 2100 calorie lunch, I promised I wouldn't have dinner.

Instead I went out drinking Friday night, consuming an entire pitcher of beer (light, but nonetheless) and two shots of liquor, ending the night with my big hamburger/fry finish.  Lovely.

Then Saturday, I started the day off semi-right with skim milk and ovaltine.  After running errands, I convinced myself not to stop at McDonalds for an ice cream, Dunkin Donuts, and the pizza place for a slice thinking that most likely the gathering I was going to that night wouldn't have diet-friendly food.  So instead, I head on to the grocery store, stayed on the bandwagon, but grabbed butter popcorn on my way out.  Starving, it was the first thing I made when I got home and I ate the whole bag. 

Not satisfied with popcorn being my first real meal, I made tomato soup with sour cream dollops and mozzerella and cheddar cheese (which I ended up throwing up half of it because I put too much water in the soup, don't ask how).  So by the time my husband and I got to where we were going, I was starving and filled up on two different kinds of cheese doodles, about 10 jalepeno poppers, three potatos skins, and three boneless chicken wings.  I begged the hubby for ice cream on the way home (or was that the night before), but he wouldn't have it.  Oh, and I had candy.  Like 20 mini candy bars.

Then yesterday was more candy.  Probably about 25 mini-mini candy bars and a big italian dinner.  And pumpkin pie.  And apple pie.  It really was a ridiculous eating weekend.  Now I'm afraid to step on the scale.

But, as of today I'm back on.  I walked three miles on my lunch break and have eaten 1230calories.  Back to basics.  After Friday's eating fiasco, I didn't even have the heart to enter and calculate my food.

I have five days before I go away for the weekend.  I just got on the scale - granted I just ate and it's nighttime - but I'm a terrible 213.5.  Four pounds up.  Wish me luck.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Many a hand has scaled the grand old face of the plateau..

Some belonged to strangers, some to folks you know
Holy ghosts and talk show hosts are planted in the sand
To beautify the foothills, and shake the many hands

Nothing on the top but a bucket and a mop
And an illustrated book about birds
See a lot up there but don't be scared
Who needs action when you (got) words

Finished with the mop then you can stop
And look at what you've done
The plateau's clean, no dirt to be seen
And the work it was fun

Nothing on the top but a bucket and a mop
And an illustrated book about birds
See a lot up there but don't be scared
Who needs action when you (got) words

Many a hands began to scan around for the next plateau
Some say it was Greenland, and some say Mexico
Others decided it was nowhere except for where they stood
But those were all just guesses, wouldn't help you if they could


I'm so bummed out today.  Six whole days with 1.5 pounds of weight GAIN and I've been exercising more than ever and have not gone beyond my caloric limits at ALL.  It's so dissapointing - once 209.5, I am now 211 as of this morning.

I just read online that sometimes you have to break the nutritional and physical habits to shock your system, so you can continue to lose weight.  Many times when you restrict calories and get used to an exercise plan, the lack of calories sends you into starvation mode where your body holds onto calories, and you metabolism drops.  Maybe that is what's happening once I reached the 25.5 spot.  Or maybe I'm getting close to ovulation, although with my body who the hells knows.

I'm bummed.  I went to McDonalds and had a hamburger happy meal with diet soda and an ice cream cone.  Thought if I ate closer to my 2100 maintenance calories, I would have better luck over the weekend.  We shall see.

I will keep you posted.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Dragging my feet today..

I woke up in a bad mood and all I want to do is eat.  I have no energy and I'm nervous about what will happen when I go home.  Thankfully, I have a fridge stocked only with food I can eat, but it will take all my energy not to make a pitstop on the way home, which I haven't done since I started this "diet."

I'm getting frustrated because the scale actually moved UP .5 pounds and I've been excercising more than ever - over an hour a day for the past two days and staying under net calories.  I read an article online today about how you can plateau after losing 10-20% of your weight, maybe that's what's happening since I just reached the 10% mark.

I really don't want off the bandwagon - I just need to get over this hump. 

Sunday, October 24, 2010

I was running..

Today, I reached a small milestone.  It sounds really stupid, but for the first time I was able to run for over two minutes at a time.  At 209.5 pounds and a previous leg/knee injury, it is no small feat, although I'm sure it sounds silly to anyone who is able to jog without any trouble at all.  I wonder how sore I will be in the morning.

I figured now that I'm nearing the two month mark, I really have to kick it up a notch.  It's not good to reduce your calorie intake, because your body will go into starvation mode.  My only other alternative is to either excercise longer or harder.  Even if I only get to cardio every other day, if I start jogging in small increments, I will lose more weight.  And of course, the less i weigh, the less it will hurt.  When I jog now, my chin flaps - which makes me even more motivated to lose this goddamn weight once and for all.

If you are a dieter and have ever struggled with your weight - the worst thing ever is when you feel really good about yourself - that first 20-30 pounds really makes a difference inside - but then you look in the mirror or in photos and you're still pretty unacceptably overweight.  It's really dejecting, and subsequently makes me want to completely binge.  But I'm trying to motivate myself.  The more I keep up what I'm doing, and the less I cheat - I could really by average-sized in less than a year.  I've lost 25.5 pounds so far and if I lose between 8-10 each month I will be at my goal weight by August 2011.  That's pretty amazing.

The staff photo that originally set me into panic mode (along with the half hour it took to zip my dress without ripping it) was recently retaken, and what a difference!  Of course the picture itself was just better, but I think the weight made a 50% difference overall.  And I'm really starting to like working out.  I think this is the longest time I've stayed motivated out of all my dieting ventures.

I have one month to lose 10 pounds exactly.  That will bring me under 200 - which I haven't been in about 5 years (that I can remember).  Bring it on!

Until next time..

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

After the Madness..

After a bachelorette party where I drank over 3000 calories and a wedding where I danced it all off, and a week of the flu where I pigged out incessantly, I am finally back to where I was after two days of dieting.  Total weight loss of 22.5 pounds at 212.5 during my 8th week of dieting.  I'm really hoping to get below 200 before Thanksgiving.  I have to start excercising this week, since I wasn't able to all last week being sick.

So tonight the plan is to do laundry and walk the track while it's drying.  That's right.  I am the eternal multi-tasker.  And I already have my meals cooked for the week so there is no excuse!

Until next time..

Friday, October 8, 2010

First goal reached..

I weighed myself yesterday, even though I was really trying to only do it once a week.  The scale said 214.  I've officially lost 21 pounds in five and a half weeks, in time for my sister's wedding.  I tried on my dress last weekend and the top was a little baggy, may need some help taking in the straps.  But the rest of it fits great. I zipped it up in 3 seconds instead of a half hour as I had 5 1/2 weeks ago.. Too bad it's still a size 24.  Damn formal wear - in regular clothes I'm an 18/20.

They say the best way to stay on track is to set small goals for yourself.  My first was to lose 20 pounds by October 15th.  My second is to be under 200 pounds by Thanksgiving - which at a month and a half away, I believe it's a reasonable goal.  After that, my next goal is to be under 168.5.  A funny number, I know.  But that is the least amount I've weighed since I hit 20 and how much I weighed the day I got married.  Following that, my next will be 150, and finally 130.

Things I've noticed with 20 pounds shed: I haven't been short of breathe, my clothing fits better, I can walk up stairs with ease, and I feel more energized all around. 

It's funny that I haven't changed sizes yet, but I'm pretty sure that's because the way plus-size woman's clothing is designed.  When you're normal-sized you're a 4 or 8.  As you get bigger, the sizes merge together - 14/16, 26/28.  I take this to mean, "you are so out of control - wear this - it's a size 17,18,19,20 - it should cover you fine, and once you lose 40 pounds, congratulations - you'll be a 13,14,15,16.."

Now just get me through the weekend events without drinking 3000 worth of calories.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Moving right along..

The fifth successful week is coming to an end.  So far, I've lost 18.5 pounds and I'm 1.5 pounds away from my 20 pound goal by October 15th.  It's weird - usually I'm fighting it the whole way to 20 and then I immediately give up.  But this time, I'm really working on not depriving myself from food I like to eat.  I'm just fitting it into the allotted calories allowed for the day.  I'm also not setting unrealistic goals for myself, such as never going over my calorie intake, or excerising everyday.  I do what I can.

I can feel a difference when I try on t-shirts that were previously too tight on me.  Nothing too crazy - they are mostly men's extra large, so it's not like I'm tiny now or anything.  But for me it's a step in the right direction.

Till next time..

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Beginning...

Over three weeks into my quest to obtain a healthier lifestyle, I decided to begin a blog to both track my progress and hopefully motivate myself and others.  
I’ve never been happy with my weight.  I can remember as far back as elementary school when I didn't want to tuck in my shirts because I didn't like how revealing it was, since I often covered myself up with baggy clothes and long tops.  At that time I was probably no more than 80 pounds, which makes it apparent that systematically, physiologically, psychologically, I was programmed to hate the way I looked before there actually was a problem.  
Looking back at pictures, there really wasn't a problem at that point.  I wasn't skinny, but I was average.  Now, just shy of 30 years old, three weeks ago, I stood at 235 pounds, being nearly equal distance wide on all four sides, in my petite frame of 5'2".  How I ever let myself get to this point, I'll never know.  But three weeks into my quest for a healthier lifestyle, I'm down to 219.5 pounds.
Things that I will be looking forward to include: bending over to tie my shoes without turning blue, eating in a restaurant without embarrassment, being able to breathe after meals and while laying down, liking my shadow when I walk at sundown, shopping for clothes, dressing up for work, showing off my tattoos, going to the beach without a multitude of layers to cover myself under different circumstances (i.e. sunbathing, swimming, the walk to the car..), looking in the mirror, and choosing nudity as a lifestyle if I so choose (insert: chuckle).
Daydreaming about being a healthy weight helps me push forward through my desire to binge and/or emotionally eat.  It's not easy to change your eating habits and simultaneously begin an exercise regime.  So far, my secret to success is to eat more than I've ever eaten while "dieting," which is about 1450 calories a day, and more if I've exercised.  I also track every calorie eaten and burned through exercise through  It also helps that I live with an extremely supportive husband, who is doing this alongside me and allowing me to fill our cupboards and fridge with only acceptable food for my current diet.  I refuse to eat 40 calorie chocolate pops and prepackaged 100 calorie snack packs.  I stick with whole grains, 100 calorie thin rolls in lieu of bread, skim milk, light yogurt, fruit of all kinds, flounder and basa fish, chicken, turkey, fresh and frozen veggies with the occasional  dollop of regular sour cream, sprinkle of shredded sharp cheddar, handful of olives, ect.  It seems to work because I'm eating real food and not processed, fake, unfufilling garbage that leaves you screaming for something real.

I'm not a weight watcher, an Atkins or South Beach follower.  Almost every time someone finds out or notices that you are loosing weight they ask you what "program" you are following.  Aside from my brief "Deal-A-Meal" stint in the year 2000 (embarrassing, but Richard Simmons is so empowering!), I prefer to march to the beat of my own drum and stick with doing what we were really intended to do as human beings.  Which is to eat for the purpose of fueling our bodies. 

We will see how it goes as I navigate through my 30th birthday, wedding anniversary and the weddings and other related events of two close family members.